Tuesday, January 20, 2009

vietnammmmmmm......here i come

just wanted to say a few things before i leave to vietnam for 4 weeks. just wanted to say gonna miss all you guys and miss driving and food and cars. hope you guys enjoy the rest of your holidays. stay safe and have fun. love you guys!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

past 2 weeks..........

Over the past 2 weeks, my cousins and my grandpa came up from canberra. They just left yesterday morning......... i never knew how fast 2 weeks could go by. It felt more like 2 days. The past 2 weeks has somewhat changed me........ to what i like to think for the better. After talking with my grandpa whom is a monk (a master of peace and relaxation i like to think of him) he has shown me there's more to life than what meets the eye, there's more to life when you just let all you problems and fears go, even for a few moments and just enjoy. Its kinda hard to explain how i feel right now, i guess i'm feeling a lil sad, scared and lonely........missing some of my family and friends

Monday, December 8, 2008

the end of my bday

just got home from a busy night at work and i am now in my bed watching prison break :). it has been a big weekend for me and im glad i am having a quiet night. i just wanted to say thanks also to daniel for his gift (that kiss) lol. sorry about not mentioning it in my post before. love ya mate, cant wait to recieve more kisses from you hey. hope you aren't too jealous janice :P

Sunday, December 7, 2008

2 decades.........

wow............ today is my 20th birthday and i have to say i feel old lol. First of all i just wanted to say thanks to all that sent me happy birthday messages and special thanks to ly, janice, tien, phuc, vu, bond, mullo and bindi for coming on saturday night and for your presents. You guys means a lot to me and it wouldn't have been such a "legendary" night without you guys. I would have to say, it has certainly been one of the best birthday i've had and one that i will remember for a long long time. I had a lot of fun and im sure you guys did too.

love you guys heaps!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

breaking point

There are times in your life when you can only hold in and bottle so much. Tonight i reached my breaking point. Being who i am, i tend to hold in and bottle a lot of things and only a week since the stress of exams and then going straight to work every night plus lack of needed sleep, i did something that i haven't done since my mate crashed his car. I broke down. After being totally raped at work again it got to the point when i just couldn't hold it in any longer. No matter how hard i tried not to let it out, it just made it worse.

It wasn't the yelling that made me break, i've been getting yelled at for the past 2 years at work so its pretty much a norm for me. But i guess it was a matter of all the things that i bottled up inside of me that just needed to get out. I don't think crying is a bad thing, but to be totally honest i was pretty ashamed. Its not something i do regularly, its been like just over a year. But yeah, not my finest of moments. However, like my mate ly said,"tomorrow is another day" and luckily i don't have work :)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

what a night

How can i describe the last few hours of my night, a night different and special to all other nights, a night that i'll never forget and most likely dream of for awhile. A night that will be talked about for weeks maybe months ahead. I guess one word can describe this night of all nights........ it was a FUN night. I am pretty much left speechless after tonight.

It all started after a long night at work. We were standing in the carpark and decided to go for a cruise. Long story short we were cruising to the airport in 4 different cars;the mean elegant evo 8, the sexy rx 8, the boy toy integra and the family car accord that packs punch. First highlight of the night, we got jammed by some truck drivers on commonwealth land and were told to get lost. Then we drove all the way behind the airport and back all the way to port of brisbane and along the way there was plenty of fun :D. Nothing makes me smile more than the adrenaline pumping throughout your whole body as you launch off the line, the smell of burnt fuel and rubber, the sound of 80000rpm roaring every so loudly above the whistling thunder of the evo 8 next to you........ this feeling made me feel like i was 10 years old.

We tried to defy the law of physics and go faster, pushing the limits of the cars. But in the back of my mind i will never forget that night that changed my whole view and attitude towards driving. As you read this, you probably thinking what stupid hoons. But ever since that night just a little over a year ago, i basically lost all interest in cars. It changed me, i thought i would be totally over cars and racing. That night is what limits me from pushing that little more when i drive. But cars is like a part of me, driving is what i do when i just want to relax when im angry or sad. There's a time and a place where we choose to push the limits. Stupid hoons do it basically everywhere just to show off. I guess what we do is stupid, but we don't do it for show.
We do it cause we have that passion to just drive and on that note i think its time to say good night.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

another day gone by

Its 3am in the morning, just got back from ly's watching iron man. Would have to say it was a pretty good movie. In reply to ly's post, i would like to confirm that janice did not actually fart and i do not have smelly feet. The fart smell mixed with the refreshing smell of soury exotic moist feet is a common fragance called LY TRUONG. I must say that his fragrance is very appealing.

The rain this evening/morning has been pretty dramatic, as we were watching iron man i took a glance outside the window and saw rain radically blowing horizontally. However the morning started off with lots of sunshine, and with lots of sunshine came heat and humidity :(. This morning, well yesterday morning i should say, my cousin gave me a call. The other day i was just thinking about giving him a call and catching up with him. We had a good long talk about everything, the convo lasted atleast 2hrs. But its been 2 years since i've properly talked to him, so i guess 2hrs of talking wasn't really anything. We usually see each other every christmas as the family gets together. Its been like that since we were born, but for the last 2 years i guess we've been pretty busy. We lost sight of what was more important than just work. I remember the last time i saw my cousin, as we were saying our goodbyes.........he started to cry. What a girl hey :P. However, i must admit i started to get teary too. Can you imagine two 17 year olds saying goodbye to each other and crying, kinda a homo moment you would think (i bet ly right now is giggling like a girl lol). But memories like those i'll never forget, just like the memories of ly's alluring natural organic fragrance.

But right now, I think its time for another movie before bed...