Wednesday, November 19, 2008

another day gone by

Its 3am in the morning, just got back from ly's watching iron man. Would have to say it was a pretty good movie. In reply to ly's post, i would like to confirm that janice did not actually fart and i do not have smelly feet. The fart smell mixed with the refreshing smell of soury exotic moist feet is a common fragance called LY TRUONG. I must say that his fragrance is very appealing.

The rain this evening/morning has been pretty dramatic, as we were watching iron man i took a glance outside the window and saw rain radically blowing horizontally. However the morning started off with lots of sunshine, and with lots of sunshine came heat and humidity :(. This morning, well yesterday morning i should say, my cousin gave me a call. The other day i was just thinking about giving him a call and catching up with him. We had a good long talk about everything, the convo lasted atleast 2hrs. But its been 2 years since i've properly talked to him, so i guess 2hrs of talking wasn't really anything. We usually see each other every christmas as the family gets together. Its been like that since we were born, but for the last 2 years i guess we've been pretty busy. We lost sight of what was more important than just work. I remember the last time i saw my cousin, as we were saying our goodbyes.........he started to cry. What a girl hey :P. However, i must admit i started to get teary too. Can you imagine two 17 year olds saying goodbye to each other and crying, kinda a homo moment you would think (i bet ly right now is giggling like a girl lol). But memories like those i'll never forget, just like the memories of ly's alluring natural organic fragrance.

But right now, I think its time for another movie before bed...

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