Saturday, November 29, 2008

breaking point

There are times in your life when you can only hold in and bottle so much. Tonight i reached my breaking point. Being who i am, i tend to hold in and bottle a lot of things and only a week since the stress of exams and then going straight to work every night plus lack of needed sleep, i did something that i haven't done since my mate crashed his car. I broke down. After being totally raped at work again it got to the point when i just couldn't hold it in any longer. No matter how hard i tried not to let it out, it just made it worse.

It wasn't the yelling that made me break, i've been getting yelled at for the past 2 years at work so its pretty much a norm for me. But i guess it was a matter of all the things that i bottled up inside of me that just needed to get out. I don't think crying is a bad thing, but to be totally honest i was pretty ashamed. Its not something i do regularly, its been like just over a year. But yeah, not my finest of moments. However, like my mate ly said,"tomorrow is another day" and luckily i don't have work :)

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