Tuesday, November 18, 2008

rain rain go away

Its early hours of the morning, i can't seem to sleep so thought i might as well blog a little. As much as i love the rain and knowing how badly we need it, i kinda wish it would stop raining. This weather has made me feeling under the weather, or maybe emo you could say lol. Don't know why, but i've been reflecting a lot about my past. How much things have changed. So many important decisions to make in the next few months of my life, some of these decisions maybe complicated and life altering, to something as simple as choosing what to cook for dinner. I guess time will tell what will happen.

What i've learnt over the past year is that, sometimes life hands you something amazing. Something that makes you feel like nothing before. But like all good things, they usually dont last. You let it go cause you're afraid. You try to erase those memories, but in doing so they make those memories more clear, those feelings more defined. You try to make the right decisions, the decisions you make you strongly believe that they were for the best. However, letting something go, but not wanting to is hard. You can't force something, no matter how badly you want it. You just have to get back on your feet and keep moving.

For now, i have a few things to do over the next 3 months of my holidays; get another job, fix my car, sand and repaint the deck, clean my room and study room, catch up with my cousin and grandpa, go on some more fishing trips with my mates, gym with ly and i'm pretty sure there were heaps of other things to do. But for now, i think i'll get some needed rest.

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